Rooney and Rookey - A story by Arjun C S, VI C

Before you read: When we have a friend or a brother when he dies, we will be sad because we feel we didn't give them or allow them what they want.

Once upon a time there were two birds in a nest of a tree, One bird's name is Rooney and the other one's is Rookey. 

One day Rookey Said to Rooney,  "Hey Rooney can we go to a cat and play with it some time?" 

Rooney said, "No."

 The day passed. 

The next day Rookey Said to Rooney, "can we go to the peak of a mountain."

Rooney said,  "No."

The next day Rooney said to Rookey, "Can we go to a jungle and some time there."

Rookey said, "OK we will go."

When Rooney and Rookey were flying around the jungle, Rookey saw an apple in a tree and he said to his brother Rooney, "Hey can we eat that apple?"

Rooney said,  "No!! I will eat that apple!"

They landed there. Rooney landed on the tree and Rookey landed on the ground. Rooney ate that apple. Suddenly a Lion came and ate Rookey!! Rooney was scared and flew away from there as fast as he could. He have gone to his nest and he cried, "Ohh! My brother, I'm soo sorry that I didn't give you anything and I didn't allow you to go some where, I'm soo soo sorry!".

So, you see at last Rooney cried at Rookey because he didn't give or allow him what he wants. So you Should not be like Rooney! You should give which you can to your friend, brother or your sister which he/she wants, before his/her death.

By Arjun C S

Class VI C

Rooney and Rookey - A story by Arjun C S, VI C  Rooney and Rookey -  A story by Arjun C S, VI C Reviewed by KV KANJIKODE LIBRARY on September 01, 2020 Rating: 5


  1. Such a cute story. Arjun, continue writing. Don't stop. You have the making of a writer in you.

    1. Thanks a lot for encouraging mam I will continue writing


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